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Top tips for a Fabulously Fab 2023

Hello lovely, how are you? I hope you are feeling fabulous and your week has been going wonderfully. Last Friday’s email I shared with you my three to steps to be and feel high vibe. Yay.

Starting your year high vibe is definitely a great way to help you start attracting more of the things that you truly want. Woo hoo. And we all want to start attracting more of the things that we truly want including a happier, healthier body and mind, right?

This week I want to share with you some of my favorite micro habits, that I truly recommend you think about implementing as swiftly as you can to empower your body, health, and mind. Woo hoo.

1. Stop worrying about the things that you can’t control. Only focus on what you can sort out yourself.
2. Drink way more water – water is life!
3. Have 8-10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day for an influx of micronutrients. Too much to eat? Then juice or blend them up!
4. Live an 80/20 lifestyle – you will feel fab on this healthy split.
5. Exercise daily – first thing in the morning – if possible, to set your day up fabulously. Give yourself an energy boost!
6. Start your day with magic – by practicing gratitude first thing. Every day give thanks for all the people that you love and all the experiences and things that you are truly thankful for and see how much better your life and heart feels.
7. Use positive words to love bomb yourself and build yourself up. Stop using victim speak.
8. Create your own vision board and then look at your vision board daily and focus on what you want to make happen in your life. Get excited and inspired
9. Ask yourself every day – what do I truly want? And seriously go for your dreams. Watch my short video about this now on the link below.
10. Don’t read the news. Ok maybe once a week if necessary. It is way too depressing! Feed your mind with positivity and hope.
11. Write a daily – not to do list!
12. Hang out with people that make you feel alive and energized. Ditch the people that drain the life out of you!
13. Don’t say yes to activities you don’t want to do. Life is short to be spending your time with doing that you don’t enjoy.
14. Work in blocks of time that you have carved out on a written weekly schedule. It makes planning so much more effective.
15. Reduce your time in front of TV and instead immerse yourself with the great literary writers.
16. Use music as a productivity and mood enricher. Listen to podcasts that inspire you and uplift you and challenge your thinking.
17. Meditate to quieten your mind.
18. Talk to yourself in a more encouraging way and to others too. There is no one else like you alive on the planet today. You are unique and awesome – always remember that.
19. See the gift in others. And polish the ones within yourself.
20. Practice the art of self-care and self love on yourself
21. Every day journal and focus on reflections, manifesting, lessons that you have learnt and goals and dreams you want to make happen.
22. Finally every day remember to have fun, live life to the full and be healthy, happy and thankful.

Which micro habit will you start implementing first?
Hit reply and let me know.
Want some help with implementing better habits and creating the life that you truly want? Check out my mindset coaching program
lots love and hugs
Davinia xxx

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