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Are you healthy enough?

People often think that they’re healthy because they aren’t sick. But the truth is, health isn’t the absence of sickness and disease. Health and wellbeing are about looking after yourself on a daily basis to feel and look fab. Today I’m going to share with you how you know if you’re potentially not quite as healthy as you could be. Then I’m sharing some of the best habits to put into place that could help you from falling ill.

We don’t have to be full blown sick or have a disease to not be healthy. There are many of us that aren’t as healthy as we could be. But how do we know if this is the case?


Sometimes we get symptoms of illness which can be physical, emotional, or physiological, and these act as messengers telling us that we might need to think about what we’re doing and fine tune our habits, thoughts, and lifestyle.

For instance:

·         If you’re constantly moody it could be due to a hormone imbalance, which can be due to a lack of healthy fats and/or being too stressed. This can result in us focusing too much on the negative things in life.

·         If you’re always stressed this could be down to a lack of relaxation time and maybe not enough grounding and taking quiet time out in nature.

·         If you’re suffering from brain fog this could be because you are dehydrated and/or eating junk food that doesn’t support your gut microbiome (a.k.a. your ‘second brain’).

·         If you’re suffering from bloating or bad stomach pain after certain foods, this could be down to a stressed liver that needs detoxifying or a lack or healthy gut flora.

·         Being unkind and mean to others and having hate in your heart could be down to a deficiency in protein for your neurotransmitters and/or a lack of gratitude in your mindset.

·         Gynae problems and/or constant UTI infections could be because you are angry with others and/or feel violated by them. This can also be caused by dehydration or other hormonal factors.


Until I got poorly with constant gynaecological health issues which were incredibly painful, back in my mid 30s, I didn’t realize how ill I was on the inside. Physically I was looking after myself really well, with my diet and exercise regime, so I couldn’t understand why I was getting constant UTIs and problems. So why then in my mid 30s did I start to experience gynae health issues and pelvic pain if I was looking after myself so well?

Well, looking back on it now, the truth is I wasn’t in a very happy, supportive marriage, so of course I was feeling stressed. I found myself feeling more negative emotions than positive ones. I was feeling stressed which meant my body and hormone levels were out of balance, and to compound this I was not being kind enough to myself emotionally and mentally. I was in physical pain and emotional turmoil too.

Fast forward a few years and this is something I’ve addressed massively. My ex-husband and I got divorced. It was an incredibly painful and sad time but something we both agreed on as we knew we weren’t right together. Throughout this time my health was horrific because the time was so stressful and challenging. But every day I really tried to focus on what I could control so that I could start to heal.

I concentrated on really looking after myself, adding more juicing into my regime to help support my immune system. I focused on eating healthily, using the 80/20 regime. I worked massively on my mindset, continued to exercise, focused on mindfulness, meditation, and forgiveness, and nurtured my community to ensure I had the right people around me.  I’m now in a far more supportive, loving marriage and I think the combination of all the above have kept my gynae health issues down massively.

I’m sure that my episodes of poor health were caused by a mixture of too much stress, hormone imbalance and emotional dis-ease.

This is why working on my emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing is so important to me, and something that we all need to consider!

The truth is lots of people are disease free, but drink frequently, smoke, have a poor diet, don’t exercise enough, don’t get out into nature and learn to relax, and are in toxic and unhappy relationships.

We don’t realize that even though we might appear fine on the outside, a poor lifestyle, unhealthy habits, hanging out with toxic people and eating the wrong type of foods can affect our physiology and mental health. The reality is that illness and poor health don’t manifest overnight. It’s a slow and gradual process of changes in the body. But eventually this accumulation leads to dysfunction and if left long enough can lead to disease. Stress is a significant contributing factor and will amplify any other problems.

I truly believe that living an 80/20 regime is such a great way to live life so that we are more balanced. This means 80% of the time we are super healthy with our food choices, exercise, and mindful living and then 20% of the time, not so much. It took me a long time to understand how much better balanced, healthy eating and living is. It’s so much easier to follow than strict dieting and punishing ourselves all the time. I endorse an 80/20 approach to life because, in my experience, it helps us all to feel healthier and happier.

Take steps now, before you get poorly, so that you can lead a fabulously happy and healthy lifestyle. Put into place more of the following:

·         Food as medicine including some fabulous juicing

·         Mentors and positive uplifting people to inspire and support you

·         Exercise and moving daily

·         Getting some sunlight on to your skin

·         Gratitude and abundance mindset

·         Sleeping well

·         Grounding and time in nature

·         Meditation and quiet time

·         Time to laugh and be with people who bring you joy

·         Happy, healthy relationships


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