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We have been having a great time in our home. I have been either working with my super fab clients, having fun times with my daughter and our friends as well as going on some super fun runs, nature walks and making up some dance routines with Holly too. It’s been a great week. As you will probably know I am a massive fan of exercise because it always makes me feel so much better. But I love it even more when I am exercising with other people too, especially with my little girl. yay. So fun.

Anyway, because I know so many people that don’t like to work out, I thought I would write today on how to make working out more fun so that you LOVE IT. Woo hoo.

So have a think, are you someone who views working out as just another thing on your to do list? If so, then would you like to associate exercise with pleasure and excitement instead? If you have spent most of your life dreading working out, then its time to adjust how you think and feel so you can enjoy and love working out. Woo hoo.

The truth is you can go from dreading working out to enjoying it. And I know this as I was that person who use to hate exercise! I literally was the laziest kid at school as I didn’t like our PE classes at all. But then when I went to university, and I fancied a guy who was mad for exercising I decided that I wanted to get fit so that he would start to notice me hanging out in the gym. Lol.  And that is exactly what I did. I started to work out in the gym. Initially I hated it, but as I started to get fitter, stronger, leaner, and lighter I started to love the way it made me feel and the results that I got in my body shape too. I started to love the endorphin high, the friends that I made in the gym and the pumping music. And before too long I was hooked, and this has certainly become my natural serotonin daily high. By the way the guy that I fancied also became my boyfriend for the whole of my university life too. ahh.


Exercising, whether to lose weight, to improve your health, or to go and meet other people can be so enjoyable. Here are some simple tips to enjoy exercise more.


Change your beliefs about working out

If you want to start enjoying exercise, then start examining your beliefs and replacing negative beliefs with empowering ones. So many of our beliefs were set in childhood. If you participated in boring P.E classes or were forced to swim when you feared water, you likely developed the belief that working out and exercising was something to dislike.

Take time to examine your beliefs around exercise. Which are negative and which are positive? Are they still true in your adult life or are you clinging on to old beliefs that don’t serve you and are preventing you from being a work out queen? Once you identify which beliefs are preventing you from learning how to enjoy working out, you can then work on changing them in positive beliefs that help you achieve your goals.


Where is your focus? Change it!

Lots of people have trouble learning how to enjoy working out because they are often only focusing on the one outcome – weight loss. When you view exercise as a way only to manage weight it becomes a ‘should’. But no one wants to do a ‘should’ on the list. We want to do something that is fun. So, start to focus on exercise as a way of energizing your body, improving your health, and improving your life, and you will then start to view exercise as a healthy, great decision instead of a must. Working out then becomes a natural extension of looking after yourself. This shift in mindset can really help to inspire you to working out.


Find the right work out for yourself.

Find the right workout for yourself. So have a think back in time when you enjoy physical activity. Were you with friends or on your own? Outdoors or inside? Participating in a sport or in the gym? Working out doesn’t mean having to work out in a gym and running on a treadmill for an hour. It can mean participating in things that you like. Going for a power walk or doing a dance game with your child is aerobic exercise. Any type of physical activity that elevates your heart rate is a form of exercise. When you find an activity that makes you happy, you will look forward to instead of avoiding it. This is one of the best things you can do when you are learning how to make working out fun.


Create time to work out

Schedule your time to work out so you enjoy it. If you go into your workout feeling rushed or that you are sacrificing too much of your time by working out, you aren’t going to enjoy your experience. Create time to work out. Don’t make excuses, instead find a solution. Set up your elliptical or your mat with weights in front of your tv and work out when you watch your fav tv series. Take 15-minute breaks at work and walk around the block. At lunch time go for a quick walk whilst making some important phone calls. Whilst your daughter is at gymnastics practice, go for a quick run or walk nearby. When you realize you don’t have to cut out important parts of your life to work out, you can then learn how to enjoy working out without feeling guilty.

Create an inspiring space and use music

If you want to enjoy working out at home more then maybe think about creating an inspiring space. Could you set aside a corner of a room where you work out? You don’t need a ton of space but enough to make your workout comfortable.  Also think about adding music or listening to a podcast or something to keep you inspired and revved up!


Working out with friends or a trainer

Working out with others can really help with motivation. When you and your buddy encourage each other, you will work harder and get better results. Yay. Look for someone with the same goals, schedule, and commitment you have. Someone who makes you feel positive and inspires you too keep going. Or else work with me for that extra support, knowledge, expertise, and accountability to smash those goals.


Create the energy to exercise

When you feel like you have little energy, working out is a daunting task for some. Aching joints and pain can also drain your energy and make you question working out. If a lack of energy or inflammation are keeping you from working out, I would recommend you examine your overall lifestyle. Are you eating fresh whole foods, fruit, vegetables, leans proteins etc? are you drinking plenty of water? Do you need to add juicing to your daily regime for extra vitamins, minerals, live enzymes, and anti-oxidants? Do you have effective ways to manage stress? Poor diet, lack of self-care and stress as these can totally zap your energy. If your lifestyle is a barrier to having the energy to exercise, then lets take a look at this together and work on this via my weight loss packages.

Know that you can always turn around your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas around. If you want to start improving your health, wellbeing, and fitness so you feel fab and look fab then start adding daily movement to your regime. It’s a must for feeling and looking more fab.





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